Name |
Dr. Sebak Kumar Jana
Designation |
Department Name |
Office Phone No |
+91 3222 298-217 / Centrex Extn. 217
Email ID |
sebakjana@mail.vidyasagar.ac.in sebakjana@yahoo.co.in
Mobile No |
Personal Website |
Address |
Department of Economics, Vidyasagar University, P.O. - Midnapore, West Bengal, India, PIN 721102
Print Full Details
Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, Vidyasagar University since December 13, 2014. |
Associate Professor in Economics, Department of Economics, Vidyasagar University since December 13, 2011 |
Joined as Lecturer in Economics, Department of Economics ,Vidyasagar University on July 14, 2006 |
Joined as Lecturer, Department of Economics, Garhbeta College, Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal on 13th December, 1999 |
Statistics and Econometrics |
Environmental and Resource Economics, Agricultural Economics, Rural Development, Economics of Education |
Quantitative Economics, Econometrics, Environmental Economics. Agricultural Economics |
International Publication |
Title | Published in | Published on | Published by | Role | |
Prospects of rehabilitation of ancient irrigation systems in India–A case study from coastal saline zone of West Bengal ( Sebak Kumar Jana, Pravesh Tamang) | Agricultural Systems, Vol. 207 | Mar, 2023 | Elsevier | First Author,Corresponding Author |
Impact Factor: 6.76500
Article's Web Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0308521X23000434
"ICT as Enabler of Knowledge-Based Economy: An Empirical Investigation in India Based on NSSO Unit-Level Data" (2. Maiti, A., Jana, S.K. and Karmakar, A.K.) | Bhattacharyya, R. (Ed.) Comparative Advantage in the Knowledge Economy, pp. 127-138. ISBN: 978-1-80071-041-2; eISBN: 978-1-80071-040-5; https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-80071-040-520210011 | 2021 | Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley,UK; https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/978-1-80071-040-520210011/full/html | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Sustainable Development and Climate Change: A Bird’s-Eye View of The Indian Story ( A.K. Karmakar and S.K.Jana) | Sandeep Poddar, Debesh Bhowmik, Amiya Bhaumik, Chris Tisdell and Matthias Hank Haeusler Edited. Sustainable Development and Informatics- Emerging Issues, ISBN : 978-0-6488798-1-7, 2020, pp. 169-181 | 2020 | Lincoln Research and Publications Limited, Australia in Collaboration with Lincoln University College, Malaysia | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"Efficiency Analysis of Irrigation Tanks: A Study on Sustainable Small-Scale Irrigation in Dry Zones in India" ( 1. Sebak Kumar Jana & K. Palanisami ) | International Journal of Sustainable Economies Management (IJSEM), vol. 9(4), pages 28-45, October. | 2020 | IGI Global, USA | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"Climate Change and Diseases of Plants and Animals: A Study in Home Gardens of West Bengal, India" ( Sebak Kumar Jana and Joyashree Roy) | A. Karmaoui, A. Ben Salem, & A. Shah (Eds.), Climate Change and Anthropogenic Impacts on Health in Tropical and Subtropical Regions (pp. 37-62) | 2020 | IGI Global | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Components of Total Factor Productivity Growth of the 2-Digit Manufacturing Industries in Karnataka: A Stochastic Frontier Approach” (Prasanta Kumar Roy, Sebak Kumar Jana and Devkumar Nayek) | Ushus-Journal of Business Management, 2020, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 47-75, ISSN 0975-3311|https://doi: 10.12725/ujbm.50.4 | 2020 | http://journals.christuniversity.in/index.php/ushus/about/contact | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"Women in BRICS — Are They Moulders and Builders in a Great Transformation for Future World" ( A.K.Karmakar and Sebak K. Jana) | Tazyn Rahman ed."Women Empowerment – Awakening of a New Era", ISBN : 978-81-944813-5-5, pp.165-179 | 2020 | Empyreal Publishing House | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"Women Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Rural Development in India" (Das, B. C., & Jana, S. K) | B. Hernández-Sánchez, J. Sánchez-García, & A. Moreira (Eds.), Building an Entrepreneurial and Sustainable Society (pp. 246-259). | 2020 | IGI Global,USA; doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-2704-7.ch012, https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/women-entrepreneurship-and-sustainable-rural-development-in-india/251290 | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"Biopiracy: Challenges Before India" (Bhukta, A., & Jana, S. K.) | Dewani, N. D., & Gurtu, A. (Ed.), Intellectual Property Rights and the Protection of Traditional Knowledge . ISBN13: 9781799818359 http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-1835-9.ch007. pp. 140-157 | 2020 | IGI Global, USA. | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"Estimation and Decomposition of Total Factor Productivity Growth of the Organized Manufacturing Industries in Andhra Pradesh: A Stochastic Frontier Approach"( P. K. Roy, Sebak. K. Jana and D. Nayek ) | Journal of International Economics, ISSN 0976-0792 Volume 11, No 1, January-June 2020 pp. 29-48. | 2020 | Institute of Public Enterprise, Indexed in Indian Citation Index(ICI), Cite Factor., https://www.ipeindia.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Journal-of-International-Economics-Jan-June-2020-issue.pdf | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Education in India: Goals and Achievements ( Sebak Jana) | S. Hazra, A. Bhukta (eds.), Sustainable Development Goals- An Indian Perspective, Sustainable Development Goals Series, ISBN: 978-3-030-42487-9, eBook ISBN: 978-3-030-42488-6, pp. 57-77. | 2020 | Springer, Cham.DOI of the Chapter: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-42488-6_4, | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Risk perception, choice of source and treatment decision:Exploring water consumption behavior in Darjeeling, India (Pravesh Tamang and Sebak Jana ) | Nature Environment and Pollution Technology (p-ISSN 0972-6268; e-ISSN 2395-3454). Vol. 19, No. 3 (September), Year 2020. pp. 1303-1310,( Indexed in Scopus) | 2020 | www.neptjournal.com; htitnpasl: /R/deosi.eoargrc/1h0 .P46a4p8e8r/NEPT.2020.v19i03.047 | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
ICT Use in Higher Education in Eastern States of India: An Analysis(Maiti, A., & Jana, S. K.) | Etim, A. S. (Ed.), Developing Countries and Technology Inclusion in the 21st Century Information Society (pp. 230-245). | 2020 | IGI Global,USA, http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-3468-7.ch012;
ISBN13: 9781799834687, EISBN13: 9781799834700 | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"A Study on the Efficiency of Irrigation Tanks in Saline Zone of South 24 Parganas" ( Subrata Naru and Sebak Kumar Jana) | Intercontinental Journal of Human Resource Research Review, ISSN:2320-9704(online), ISSN:2347-1662(Print), Vol. 7, Issue 11, November, 2019. pp. 1-11 | 2019 | http://icmrr.org | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
“A Study on Tank Irrigation Productivity in Saline Zone of South 24 Parganas” (Subrata Naru and Sebak Kumar Jana ) | Vidyasagar University Journal of Economics, Vol. XXI, 2016-17, 1st November, 2019, ISSN - 0975-8003, pp 125-135. | 2019 | Vidyasagar University | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Participation in the Water Body Irrigation Management in Saline Zone in West Bengal in India ( Authors: Wietze Lise, Sebak Kumar Jana, and Siddhartha Manna) | Water Economics and Policy, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 1-25, https://doi.org/10.1142/S2382624X18500042 | 2019 | World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Forest Dependency and Rural Livelihood—A Study in Paschim Medinipur District, West Bengal (Sebak Kumar Jana, Tapas Payra, Siddhartha Sankar Manna, Adwaita Maiti, Pranjit Kr. Paul ) | Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR), , ISSN: 2278-4853 Vol 8, Issue 3, March 2019 , pp. 164-178;DOI: 10.5958/2278-4853.2019.00095.8 | 2019 | TRANS Asian Research Journals http://www.tarj.in | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
“Women Entrepreneurship in Backward Region: A Study in Jhargram District of West Bengal ”(Sebak Kumar Jana, Badal Chandra Das, Siddhartha Shankar Manna,Tapas Payra, Adwaita Maiti, Pranjit Kr. Paul) | Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR), ISSN: 2278-4853 Vol 8, Issue 3, March 2019 ,pp. 222-233 , DOI: 10.5958/2278-4853.2019.00099.5 | 2019 | TRANS Asian Research Journals http://www.tarj.in | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
“An Analysis of Health Status of the State of Assam, India” (Pranjit Kr. Paul, Sebak Kumar Jana & Adwaita Maiti) | RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary (RRIJM), Vol 4, Issue 3, March 201, pp. 1179-1188, | 2019 | www.rrjournals.com, | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
“ Climate Variability and Adaptation of Homegardens in South Asia: Case Studies from Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and India” ( Authors: Marambe Buddhi , Jeevika Weerahewa, Gamini Pushpakumara, Pradeepa Silva, Ranjith Punyawardena, Sarath Premalal, MD. Giashuddin Miah, Joyashree Roy and Sebak Jana) | Sri Lanka Journal of Food and Agriculture (SLJFA), Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2018' PP 7-27, ISSN: 2424-6913, Journal homepage: www.slcarp.lk, | 2019 | Sri Lanka Council for Agricultural Research Policy (SLCARP) of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Biodiversity and Impacts of Climate Change in Home Gardens: Evidence From a Study in West Bengal, India ( Sebak Kumar Jana, Joyashree Roy) | Ashok Kumar Rathoure and Pawan Bharati Chauhan eds. Current State and Future Impacts of Climate Change on Biodiversity; pages 113-134, November, 2019, ISBN13: 9781799812265 | 2019 | IGI Global, USA | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"Innovations in Higher Education in India" (Sebak Kumar Jana and Adwaita Maiti) | L. Makewa (Ed.), Theoretical and Practical Approaches to Innovation in Higher Education (pp. 162-183). ISBN13: 9781799816621, doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-1662-1.ch009 | 2019 | IGI Global, USA | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"A New Look at the Dynamics of India Balance of Payments through Its Liberalization Episode" ( Asim K. Karmakar and Sebak K. Jana) | Bhattacharyya, R. (Ed.) The Gains and Pains of Financial Integration and Trade Liberalization, pp 113-125, ISBN-13: 9781838670047, https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-78973-999-220191016. | 2019 | Emerald Publishing Limited, U.K. | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Efficiency Analysis of Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) in India Using DEA ( With Asim Kumar Karmakar and Kaveri Sarkar ) | Ramesh Chandra Das ed. Microfinance and Its Impact on Entrepreneurial Development, Sustainability, and Inclusive Growth, ISBN13: 9781522561767, (pages 218-230) | 2018 | IGI Global USA | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Military Expenditure in India: Trends and Its Relation With GDP and Education Expenditure (Sebak Kumar Jana, Asim Kumar Karmakar and Adwaita Maiti) | Ramesh Chandra Das ed. Handbook of Research on Military Expenditure on Economic and Political Resources, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-4778-5.ch019, ISBN13: 9781522547785, pp. 367-381 | 2018 | IGI Global USA | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"Economics of public investment in rehabilitation of water bodies in the saline zone of West Bengal, India" (Sebak Kumar Jana; K. Palanisami; Siddhartha Sankar Manna ) | International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology (IJARGE), Vol.14, No.2,pp.165-180, DOI: 10.1504/IJARGE.2018.10015156. | 2018 | Inderscience Publishers. | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"Public Higher Education Expenditure in West Bengal – Trends and Its Relation With NSDP" ( Sebak Kumar Jana and Adwaita Maiti) | Zenith International Journal Of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol.8 (9), September (2018), pp. 281-294. | 2018 | zenithresearch.org.in | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"Efficiency of Higher Education Institutes: A Study on Some Universities in West Bengal, India" (7. Sebak Kumar Jana, Adwaita Maiti, Pranjit Paul ) | International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), October, Volume 5, Issue 4 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138),pp.548-554 | 2018 | www.ijrar.org | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"Quality of Higher Education in West Bengal, India - Six-Sigma Analysis Using Students’ Feedback in a College"( | International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), October, Volume 5, Issue 4 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138),pp.478-486 | 2018 | www.ijrar.org | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"Entrepreneurship, Employment and Transformation among Tribal in India" (Badal Chandra Das and Sebak K. Jana) | Deba Prasad Sahu edited Book, "Recent Trends of Tribal Studies in India", PP. 3-13, ISBN : 978-3-96492-139-0 | 2018 | Weser Books, Germany | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
India’s March Towards Capital Account Liberalization - Theoretical Issues and Policy Prescriptions ( Asim K. Karmakar and Sebak K. Jana ) | The Indian Economic Journal, Special Issue on India and External World, ISSN: 0019-4662, pp. 01-15, December, 2017 | 2017 | The Indian Economic Association. | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"Economic Impact
Analysis of SRI
Technology in
Productivity of
Tribal Households
in Nayagram Block
in Jungle Mahalin
West Bengal" | Scholars Journal of
Economics, Business
and Management,
March, 2017, e-ISSN
2348-5302 p-ISSN
2348-8875, DOI:
3.1 | 2017 | SAS Publishers, pp.
SAS Publishers http://saspjournals.com/sjebm | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Efficiency Analysis of Higher Education Institutes: A Study on Colleges under Vidyasagar University in West Bengal, India | Scholars Journal of Economics, Business and Management, 4(1):35-40, pp. 35-40;
e-ISSN 2348-5302, p-ISSN 2348-8875.DOI: 10.21276/sjebm.2017.4.1.5 | 2017 | SAS Publishers http://saspjournals.com/sjebm | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"Role of Joint Forest Management (JFM) in Improving The Living Standard of Rural People: Some Case Studies in West Bengal in India" ( With M. Ahmed) | Intercontinental Journal Of Human Resource Research Review; ISSN: 2320-9704 - Online; Volume 5, Issue 2, February 2017, pp. 16-26. | 2017 | www.icmrr.org | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Infrastructure, Education and Economic Development in India: A State Level Analysis ( Sebak K. Jana and A.K. Karmakar) | Social Health and Environmental Infrastructures for Economic Growth, Edited by R.C Das. ISBN13: 9781522523642, pp. 1-13. | 2017 | IGI Global,USA | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"The Social Impact of the Financial Crises in the Recent Past and Evidence Thereof — With Special Reference to India" ( With A.K. Karmakar) | International Journal of Sustainable Economies Management (IJSEM), Vol.6,No. 2, pp. 1-12. doi:10.4018/IJSEM.2017040101 | 2017 | IGI Global, USA | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"Dependency of Rural Households on Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs): A Study in Dryland Areas of West Bengal" ( With M. Ahmed and Katja Heubach) | International Journal of Sustainable Economies Management (IJSEM), Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 37-50. | 2017 | IGI Global, USA | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"Environment and Pollution. Willingness to Pay for Improved Water Services: A Case of Darjeeling, India":Pravesh Tamang and Sebak Jana | Asian Journal of Water, Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution, Vol. 14, No.2, pp 51-59, 2017. ISSN 0972-9860 (P), ISSN 1875-8568 (E), DOI: 10.3233/AJW-170015, | 2017 | IOS Press, Netherlands. | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Economic Thoughts of Swami Vivekananda | Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, March, 2017; Vol. 5, No. 3, pp:241-247. ISSN: 2347-5374(Online), ISSN: 2347-9493(Print) , March 2017. | 2017 | SAS Publishers, http://saspjournals.com | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Determinants of Profitability of Banks in India: A Panel Data Analysis ( With Adwaita Maiti) | Scholars Journal of Economics, Business and Management (SJEBM); ISSN 2348-5302 (Online.) & ISSN 2348-8875 (Print), Volume-4: Issue-7, pp. 436-445, July, 2017. | 2017 | SAS Publishers (Scholars Academic and Scientific Publishers) | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Production and Environmental Performances of Selected Steel Plants in India: An Empirical Investigation (Authors: Babita Das Paul, Madhabendra Sinha, Sebak Kumar Jana and Partha Pratim Sengupta) | International Journal of Economic Research, Serials Publications, ISSN:0972-9380, Vol. 14, No. 18, pp. 11-26, December, 2017. | 2017 | Serials Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"Marketing Of Non-Timber Forest Products – A Study in Paschim Medinpur District in West Bengal, India" ( With Mamataj Uddin Ahmed and Samit Datta Roy ) | Intercontinental Journal Of Marketing Research Review, Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2016, PP. 330-337, ISSN:2321-0346 ( Online), ISSN:2347-1670 (Print) | 2016 | ICMR | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Food Security in Asia: Is There Convergence | R.C.Das edited book "Handbook of Research on Global Indicators of Economic and Political Convergence" ISBN13: 9781522502159|ISBN10: 1522502157|EISBN13: 9781522502166|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-0215-9 | 2016 | IGI Global, USA | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Prospects of Developing Rural Economy through Production and "Marketing of Sabai Grass (Eulaliopsis binata) and Rope in Paschim Medinipur District, West Bengal" :Paik Kousik, Sebak Kr. Jana & R. N. Chattopadhyay | Modern Research Studies, ISSN 2349-2147, Vol.3. Issue 4. December, 2016, pp. 973-992. http://www.modernresearch.in | 2016 | www.modernresearch.in | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"Home gardens in the Paschim Medinipur District of West Bengal in India: a land use system with multiple benefits" (With Roy, J.,Marambe, B., Weerahewa, J., Pushpakumara, G., Silva, P., Miah, Md.G.,Punyawardena, R. and Premalal, S. ) | Int. J. Environment and Sustainable Development, ISSN:1474-6778, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp.191–206. | 2015 | Inderscience Publishers | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Globalisation Governance and Food Security - The Case of BRICS ( With A.K. Karmakar) | Ramesh C. Das ed. “Handbook of Research on Globalization, Investment, and Growth-Implications of Confidence and Governance”, ISBN13: 9781466682740;DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-8274-0;pp. 275-294 | 2015 | IGI Global, USA | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Understanding the Crises in Euro Zone and Greece: From Boom to Bust | International Journal of Research on Social and Natural Sciences (IJRSNS), Volume 1, Issue 1, December 2015, pp. 127-140. Available online at www.katwacollegejournal.com | 2015 | Katwa College | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"Factors Affecting Participation in Joint Forest Management in the West Bengal State of India" ( With W. Lise and M. Ahmed) | Journal of Forest Economics, Vol. 20, Issue 4, December, pp. 317–332 | 2014 | Elsevier | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"Participation in tank irrigation management in dry zones in India" ( with W. Lise) | European Water, Issue 42, pp. 35-50 | 2014 | European Water Resources Association, Athens, Greece | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
A Study on The Challenge for Artisans of Conch Shell Industry in West Bengal (With Anamitra Paul) | International Journal Of Research In Commerce, Economics & Management. Volume No. 4 , Issue No. 01 (January). ISSN 2231-4245 | 2014 | http://ijrcm.org.in/. | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Willingness To Pay For Tank Maintenance: A Study On Tank Irrigation In The Dry Zones Of West Bengal In India | International Journal Of Research In Commerce, Economics & Management. Volume No. 3, Issue No. 08 (August). ISSN 2231-4245 | 2013 | http://ijrcm.org.in/. | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Implementation of MG-NREGA in Rural West Bengal A Case Study of Sonamukhi Block, Bankura District, W.B. (With Bipul De) | Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR), Vol.3, Issue 5, ISSN: 2278 – 4853 | 2013 | http://www.tarj.in/ | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Socio Economic Determinants of Participation in MGNREGA: A Study in Bankura District of Rural West Bengal (With Bipul De) | International Journal Of Research In Commerce, Economics & Management, Vol. NO. 3, ISSUE NO. 05(MAY), ISSN 2231-4245 | 2013 | http://ijrcm.org.in/. | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Socio-Economic Characteristics of Farmers Influencing Adaptation to Climate Change: Empirical Results from Selected Homegardens in South Asia with Emphasis on Commercial Orientation | Sri Lanka Journal of Advanced Social Studies, Volume 2, Number 2, July – December 2012. ISSN:2012-9149 | 2012 | NCAS, Sri Lanka | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Adaptation to Climate Change in Agro-ecosystems: A Case Study from Homegardens in South Asia (With Marambe B., Weerahewa J., Pushpakumara G., Silva P., Punyawardena P., Premalal S., Miah G., Roy J.) | Proceedings of the MARCO Symposium 2012 – Strengthening Collaboration to Meet Agro-Environmental Challenges in Monsoon Asia, 24-27 Sept., Tsukuba, Japan. pp 81-87. | 2012 | http://omc.co.jp/marco/en/program1.html | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Are Homegarden Ecosystems Resilient to Climate Change? An Analysis of the Adaptation Strategies of Homegardeners in Sri Lanka (With J. Weerahewa, G. Pushpakumara, P. Silva, C. Daulagala, R.,Premalal, G. Miah, J. Roy, Buddhi Marambe) | Asia Pacific Network (APN) Science Bulletin 2,Issue 2, pp. 22-27, ISSN 2185-761x | 2012 | http://www.apn-gcr.org. | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Solar Lanterns for Rural Households (with Joyashree Roy) | Energy, Vol. 23, No. 1,ISSN 0360-5442 | 1998 | Elsevier Science Ltd., Great Britain | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
National Publication |
Title | Published in | Published on | Published by | Role | Details |
State-wise Efficiency of Agricultural Production in India: Data Envelopment Efficiency Approach ( S. Jana, D. Nayek, P. K, Roy, Sebak Kumar Jana) | Scholars Journal of Economics, Business and Management | Jul, 2023 | https://saspublishers.com | Corresponding Author |
Impact Factor: 0.00000
Indexing: Others
Article's Web Link: https://www.saspublishers.com/article/15908/download/
An Interstate Analysis of the Efficiency of Secondary Education in India: A Stochastic Frontier Approach ( D. Nayek,
P. K. Roy, Prof. Sebak Kumar Jana) | Abhigyan, Vol:40 No. 4; January to March 2023; p- 42-54
ISSN: 2583-1445 | Jul, 2023 | Foundation for Organisational Research and Education (FORE), New Delhi | Co-Author |
Impact Factor: 0.00000
Indexing: Others
Article's Web Link: https://doi.org/10.56401/Abhigyan/40.4.2023.42-54
A Study on Participation of Farmers in Government e-Procurement of Paddy in West Bengal, India: Application of Double Hurdle Model ( Jana, S. K., Pal, B. D., & Manna, S. ) | Vidyasagar University Journal of Economics. Vol. 26, pp. 184-194. | Jun, 2022 | Vidyasagar University | First Author,Corresponding Author |
Impact Factor: 0.00000
Indexing: UGC CARE
Article's Web Link: http://inet.vidyasagar.ac.in:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/6914
“Estimation & Decomposition of Productivity Change in Food, Beverages & Tobacco Products Using Frontier Approaches” (Prasanta Kumar Roy, Devkumar Nayek, Sebak Kumar Jana & Purnendu Sekhar Das) | The Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 56, No. 4, April 2021,pp.587-607, ISSN Number: 0019-5286 | 2021 | Publisher: Shri Ram Centre for IR & HR, http://www.publishingindia.com/ijir/ | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"Sources of Output and Total Factor Productivity Growth of the Organized Manufacturing Industries in Gujarat: A Stochastic Frontier Approach", (P. K. Roy, S. K. Jana and D. Nayek) | Indian Journal of Applied Economics and Business, Vol. 3, No. 1, (2021), pp. 135-152 | 2021 | ARF INDIA, https://arfjournals.com/image/19933_8_prasanta_kumar_roy.pdf | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"The Banking Sector of the BRICS Economies: Main Facts and Challenges Way Forward” (A K. Karmakar and Sebak K.Jana) | Artha Beekshan, Volume 29, No. 2 & 3, September & December 2020, pp. 46-67 | 2020 | Bengal Economic Association | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"Towards Protecting and Preserving, Bio-Diversity for Sustainable Development"( A. K. Karmakar & Sebak Kumar Jana) | Dr. Sebak K. Jana, Dr. Mihir K. Pal and Dr. Chandrima Chakraborty Eds. “Sustainable Development in Backward Zones in India: The Way to Look”, ISBN: 978-81-945430-1-5, 2020, pp. 81-105, Chapter 5 | 2020 | Publisher: Navyug Books International, New Delhi | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
“Quality of Primary Education: A Study in Paschim Medinipur District of West Bengal" ( Pranjit Kr Paul, Adwaita Maity & Sebak Kumar Jana) | in Dr. Sebak K. Jana, Dr. Mihir K. Pal and Dr. Chandrima Chakraborty Eds. “Sustainable Development in Backward Zones in India: The Way to Look”, ISBN: 978-81-945430-1-5, 2020 ,pp. 242-262, Chapter 13 | 2020 | Publisher: NAVYUG BOOKS INTERNATIONAL, New Delhi | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"Reflections on the Right to Development as a Process of Development" (A. K. Karmakar and Sebak K. Jana ) | Dr. Sebak Kumar Jana, Dr. Pinaki Das and Dr. Sudipta Jha Eds.," Inequality, Poverty And Development In Backward Zones In India", ISBN: 978-81-945430-4-6, pp. .116-139, Chapter 5. | 2020 | Kumud Publications, Delhi, India | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"Entrepreneurship Development Among Backward Classes: Setting New Dimension of Indian Economy" (4. Badal Chandra Das, Sebak Kumar Jana and Tapas Payra ) | Dr. Sebak Kumar Jana, Dr. Pinaki Das and Dr. Sudipta Jha Eds.," Inequality, Poverty And Development In Backward Zones In India", ISBN: 978-81-945430-4-6, pp. .116-139, Chapter 5. | 2020 | Kumud Publications, Delhi, India | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"Demand for Agricultural Credit: A Study in the District of South 24 Parganas, West Bengal, India" ( Sebak Kumar Jana and Atanu Mitra) | Vidyasagar University Journal of Economics, Vol. XXIII, 2018-19, ISSN - 0975-8003, pp. 109-120.( UGC Listed Journal) | 2020 | Vidyasagar University; http://inet.vidyasagar.ac.in:8080/jspui/bitstream/123456789/5532/1/8%20Sebak%20Kumar%20Jana%2C%20Demand%20for%20Agricultural%20Credit.pdf | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"Economic Importance of Sabai Grass in the Backward Region of West Bengal" (Kousik Paik and Sebak Kumar Jana) | Sebak Kumar Jana. Mihir Kumar Pal and Chandrima Chakraborty (Eds.), "India’s Economic Development: Some Issues and Challenges” ( ISBN:978-93-82885-45-0), pp. 118-136 | 2019 | Kumud Publications. Delhi, India. | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"Efficiency in Agricultural Production: The Case of Farmers in South Bengal" (Subrta Kundu and Sebak Kumar Jana) | Sebak Kumar Jana. Mihir Kumar Pal and Chandrima Chakraborty (Eds.), "India’s Economic Development: Some Issues and Challenges” ( ISBN:978-93-82885-45-0), pp. 137-148 | 2019 | Kumud Publications. Delhi, India. | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"Systemic risk management and macro prudential approach to regulation: How important are they for India?" ( A.K. Karmakar and S.K. Jana) | A. K. Karmakar, M. Roy, & S. Das (Eds.), "Emerging issues in Indian banking: performance, challenges and reforms". ISBN:978-93-88147-11-8. Page 61-79. | 2019 | Shandilya Publications, New Delhi, India | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
“Women Entrepreneur, Micro Credit and Rural Economy” (Badal Chandra Das and Sebak Kumar Jana). | Pranab Kumar Chattopadhyay and Daya Shankar Kushwaha Ed. “Resilience Building and Sustainable Development –Indian Perspective”, ( ISBN: 978-93-888879-11-8.pp. 119-127) | 2019 | New Delhi Publishers, New Delhi. | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"Women Entrepreneurs in Transitioning Indian Economy"
(Badal Chandra Das and Sebak Kumar Jana) | Pranab Kumar Chattopadhyay and Daya Shankar Kushwaha Eds. “Approaches to Sustainable Development” | 2019 | Renu Publishers, New Delhi,ISBN: 978-81-937260-6-8.,pp. 121-129. | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"Inclusive Growth through Financial Inclusion: India’s New Development Agenda" ( A. K. Karmakar and S.K. Jana) | “Inclusive Growth and Backward Region Development – Sectoral Issues” ( Edited by S. K. Jana and J. Sasmal), March, 2019, pp. 77-104. ISBN: 9789386611628 | 2019 | Serials Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India. | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"Equity in Higher Education in India: A State Level Analysis"( 1. Sebak Kumar Jana and Adwaita Maiti) | AED Journal of Educational Studies, Vol 8, No.2, August 2019, pp. 1-20, ISSN: 2250-2327, UGC Approved NO. 41334. | 2019 | DDU Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur,India | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Corruption in India —An Introspective View ( With A.K. Karmakar) | B.C. Nirmal and Sabari Bandyopadhyay eds. Combating Corruption Black Money and Money Laundering Issues & Challenges Ahead, ISBN:-9789382823896, pp. 55-70. | 2018 | Satyam Law International, New Delhi, | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"National Policy on Skill Development" ( With A.K. Karmakar) | Bihar Economic Journal, Vol. 6, No. 2, June 2018, ISSN- 2230-8970, pp. 290-296. | 2018 | Economic Association of Bihar | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
“India’s Employment Policy and its Challenge on Employment Generation” ( A.K. Karmakar and S.K.Jana) | The Indian Economic Journal, Centenary Year Special Issue, Vol. 1, December , 2018, ISSN: 0019 -4662, pp.22-37. | 2018 | Indian Economic Association | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"Tagore’s Love and Concern for Environment" | Sebak K. Jana ed. (2017), “Rabindranath Tagore on Economy Politics and Society – Contemporary Discourses”, ISBN: 81-93221-41-7. | 2017 | Dey Book Concern, Kolkata | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
“Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and Dalits in India: A Contemporary Exploration” ( With Asim K. Karmakar) | The Indian Economic Journal, Centenary Year Special Issue, Vol.1, April 2017, pp 237-260. ( ISSN: 0019-4662). | 2017 | Indian Economic Association. | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Sustaining Tank Irrigation for Rural Development: A Study in Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal, India ( Sebak K. Jana and K. Palanisami) | Rural Development Programmes in India: Effectiveness and Evaluation, Book edited by Abhijit Bhattacharya and Mousumi Ghatak | 2017 | Serial Publications, New Delhi, India, ISBN: 978-81-933190-9-3. April 2017, pp. 20-33. | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Higher Education in West Bengal – An Overview (First Giribala Karmakar Memorial Lecture, 2017, delivered in the 37th Annual Conference of Bengal Economic Association at Prabhu Jagatbandhu College, Andual, Howrah, during September 15-16, 2017) | Artha Beekshan, Vol. 26, No. 1-2, June to September, 2017, ISSN: 0972-1185, pp. 21-55. | 2017 | Bengal Economic Association | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"Tank Irrigation in the Dry Zones of West Bengal: A Regional Analysis"(Sebak K. Jana and Amit Das) | Sebak K. Jana and Debasish Mondal eds. (2017), Contemporary Issues of Economic Development in India, ISBN: 9789351252962, pp. 263-281. | 2017 | Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"Two and A Half Decades of India’s Balance of Payments: Issues and Challenges in the Context of Global Changes and Instability": Asim K. Karmakar and Sebak K. Jana | The Indian Economic Journal( ISSN: 0019-4662), Special Issue, December 2016, pp 131-147 | 2016 | TheIndian Economic Association | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"Anatomy and Consequences of India’s Demographic Dividend" ( With A.K. Karmakar) | Bihar Economic Journal, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2016, pp. 58-68. ISSN: 2230-8970 | 2016 | Economic Association of Bihar | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Module for Master of Arts (Economics): Unit 19: Environmental Sector II | MEC 108: Economics of Social Sector and Environment | 2016 | Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi, ISBN: 978-93-86375-19-3, December 2016, pp 63-84. | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Financial Crises in the Recent Past and their Implications for BRICS Economies (With A.K. Karmakar) | The Indian Economic Journal, Special Issue, December, 2014, pp. 194-206, ( ISSN: 0019-4662) | 2015 | Indian Economic Association | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Technical Efficiency of Rice Farm in Dry Zone in West Bengal: A Non Parametric Approach ( With S. Kundu) | Ambar Nath Ghosh and A.K. Karmakar ed. “Agriculture, Sustainable Development and Microfinance – Essays in Honour of Professor Biswajit Chatterjee,
ISBN: 978-81-8484-453-5, pp. 19-31 | 2015 | Regal Publications, New Delhi | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Education and Skill Development for Faster Economic Growth—The Indian Story ( With A.K. Karmakar) | Bihar Economic Journal, Vol. 4, No. 2, July 2015, ISSN: 2230-8970, pp. 60-68. | 2015 | Bihar Economic Association | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Climate Change: Its Impact On Agriculture, Sustainability and Food Security in India ( With A. K. Karmakar) | K.A. Rasure and S.H. Dhaba ed. “Food Security and Sustainable Rural Development", ISBN: 978-93-82983-73-6 | 2015 | Mangalam Publications, Delhi. | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Forest Dependence of Households: A Study on Joint Forest Management in the Districts of Bankura and Paschim Medinipur in West Bengal ( With Bipul De and Mamataj Uddin Ahmed) | Biswajit Chatterjee and Asim K. Karmakar eds. "Rural Livelihood in India - Issues, Measurement and Policies", pp 290-300. | 2015 | Concept Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, ISBN- 13:978-93-5125-151-4. | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"In What Direction is the Wind Blowing? Education and Skill Development – The Case of BRICS" | The Indian Economic Journal. Special Issue, December 2015, pp 131-147. ( ISSN: 0019-4662). | 2015 | The Indian Economic Asssociation | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Food Sovereignty: A Way to Achieve Food Security in India | Bihar Economic Journal, Vol. 3 , No.1, August 2014, (ISSN-2230-8970). pp. 104-122. | 2014 | Economic Association of Bihar | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Policies and Strategies for Achieving Food and Nutrition Security in India: Myths and Realities ( With A.K. Karmakar) | M.A. Beg ed. “Dynamics of Food Security in India" , ISBN : 978-93-82885-1-84. pp. 88-141 | 2014 | Kumud Publications, New Delhi | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
“A Study On Conch Shell Industry in West Bengal in India” ( With Anamitra Paul) | Arthshastra: Indian Journal of Economics & Research, Vol. 3, No. 6, Nov. – Dec. pp. 43 – 53. | 2014 | Associated Management Consultants Private Limited, New Delhi | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Education and Marriage of Muslim Women: A Study in Paschim Medinipur District of West Bengal (With Jamila Bi) | “Education, Marriage and Bridal Industry”, Ed. by Madhabi Maity and Aparnita Bhattacharjee, ISBN 978-93-81245-34-7 | 2014 | Ashadeep in Collaboration with Midnapore College | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Household Dependence On Common Property Resources--A Case Study On Joint Forest Management In Bankura District Of West Bengal (With Bipul De) | “Economic Reforms And Common Property Resources: Issues And Challenges” Ed. by - Suvranshu Pan, ISBN 978-81-8484-323-1, Page 206-217 | 2014 | Regal Publications, New Delhi | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Forest Dependence of Households and It’s Socio Economic Determinants: A Case Study on Joint Forest management in the Bankura District of West Bengal (With Bipul De) | “Facets Of Development: some issues for the third world”, Ed. by - Atanu Sengupta, ISBN 978-81-8484-286-9, Page 109-121. | 2014 | Regal Publications, New Delhi | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Higher Education in West Bengal with Focus on Rural Areas | Proceeding of NAAC Sponsored Two Day National Seminar on "Developing Competitive Strength of Higher Education in Rural and Backward Regions", Ed. by - Amal Kr. Chakraborty, ISBN 978-81-9222208-7-1 | 2014 | Midnapore College | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Sustainable Irrigation – A Study on Tank Irrigation in the Dry Zones of West Bengal | "Environmental Problems and Challenges Recent Issues and Opportunities", Ed. by - Somnath Hazra, pp, 118- 134, ISBN 978-81-8484-250-0. | 2013 | Regal Publications, New Delhi | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
The State of Higher Education in West Bengal: A Regional Analysis in the Perspective of Right to Education (With Santanu Ghosh) | "Right to Education: An Accelerator of Social Transformation and Economic Development", Ed. by - Chandan Roy and Jiten Barman, ISBN – 978-81-86772-54-6 | 2013 | New Academic Publishers, New Delhi | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Major Issues of Sustainable Development in India
( With Siddhartha Manna) | Bharat Malakar ed. "Sustainable Development – Ethics and Economics", ISBN- 978-81-923979-6-2 | 2013 | Readers Service, Kolkata | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Irrigation Development in West Bengal | Land Bank Journal, Vol. 51, Issue II, pp 41-54 | 2012 | National Co-Operative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks’ Federation Ltd. | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Implementation of MG-NREGA in Rural West Bengal: A Study of Chatna Block in Bankura District (With Bipul De) | Artha Beekshan, Vo. 21, No.3, ISSN 0972 -1185. | 2012 | Bengal Economic Association | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
A Study on Tank Irrigation in the Dry Zones of West Bengal (With K. Palanisami, Amit Das) | Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 67, No.2, April to June. ISSN 0019-5014. | 2012 | Indian Society of Agricultural Economics, Mumbai | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Environmental Performance and its Determinants – A Study on Pulp and Paper Industry in India (With Debasish Barik) | "Development in Developing Economies", Ed. by - M.K.Pal and Sebak K. Jana, ISBN - 13:978-81-8069-840-8 | 2012 | Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Household Dependence on Forest– A Case Study on Joint Forest Management in Rupnarayan Forest Division, Paschim Medinipur District, West Bengal (With Samit Datta Roy, Mumtaj-Uddin Ahmed) | "Forest Management and Sustainable Development", Ed. by - R.K. Sen, ISBN: 978-81-8450-426-2 | 2012 | Deep and Deep Publication | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Efficiency Analysis of the District Central Co-operative Banks in West Bengal (With Kaberi Sarkar) | Samabayika, Vol.4 , No. 1, March, ISSN 0975-7244. | 2012 | Assam University Employees' Thrift & Credit Cooperative Society Ltd., Assam University, Silchar | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Sustainable Small Scale Irrigation in the Dry Zones: A Case Study on Happa ( Small Tank ) Model in the State of West Bengal, India | “Indian Economic Development – Contemporary Issues, A Festschrift in Honour of Professor Raj Kumar Sen”, Ed. by - D.N. Bhattacharyya, ISBN -978-81-8484-167-1. | 2012 | Regal Publications, New Delhi | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Secondary Education in West Bengal (With Souvik Dasgupta) | Vidyasgar University Journal of Economics, Vol. XVI, ISSN: 0975-8003. | 2011 | Vidyasgar University | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
The Happa – A Replicable and Sustainable Model | News Reach, June – July, Vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 18-29. | 2011 | Pradan | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
The State of Higher Education in West Bengal – A Regional Perspective (With Santanu Ghosh) | Indian Journal of Regional Science, Vol. 43, No. 2, ISSN – 0046-9017 | 2011 | Regional Science Association, India | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
An Analysis of Block Level Performance of NREGA in West Bengal (With Bipul De) | Vidyasgar University Journal of Economics, Vol. XV, ISSN: 0975-8003 | 2010 | Vidyasgar University | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Quality of Higher Education in West Bengal: NAAC Assessment (With Sandip Barman) | Artha Beekshan, Vol. 19, No. 3, Deecember, ISSN 0972 -1185 | 2010 | Bengal Economic Association | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Impact of Joint Forest Management on Livelihood: A Case Study in Paschim Medinipur District in West Bengal (With Samit Dattta Roy, Mumtaj-Uddin Ahmed) | Proceedings of International Seminar on “ Modern Trends in Biological Sciences”,ISBN 978-81-89339-40-1 | 2010 | P.G. Department of Zoology, Raja N.L. Khan College | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Marginal Abatement Cost Estimation for Pulp and Paper Industry in India (With Joyashree Roy) | ICFAI University Journal of Environmental Economics, Vol. VII, No.2, May, 2009,ISSN 0972-9313 | 2009 | ICFAI University | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Globalisation and Higher Education in India | Vidyasagar University Journal of Economics, Vol.12. ISSN: 0975-8003 | 2008 | Vidyasagar University | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Changes in Mean and Variance of Production of Total Rice in West Bengal - A Decomposition Analysis across Districts and Types of Rice (With Debasish Mondal) | Artha Beekshan, Vol. 17, No.1, June. ISSN 0972 -1185 | 2008 | Bengal Economic Association | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Issues of Nuclear Power Development in India | Vidyasagar University Journal of Economics, Vol. XI. ISSN: 0975-8003 | 2007 | Vidyasagar University | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Evaluating Solar Lantern Programme through CBA and CVM (With Joyashree Roy) | Book “Towards Clean Energy” ed. by B Ghosh; S K Saha; Sujay Basu | 2007 | Tata McGraw-Hill | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
What Determines Pollution Abatement Effort: Case of Pulp and Paper Industry in West Bengal (With Joyashree Roy) | “Development Challenges: Some Analytical Issues”, Ed. by - Joyashree Roy and Ajitava Roy Chowdhury, ISBN:81-8424-042-2 | 2006 | Allied Publishers | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Industrial Pollution Compliance in India: Status and Options (With Joyashree Roy) | Vidyasagar University Journal of Economics. ISSN: 0975-8003 | 2006 | Vidyasagar University | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Trends in Public Expenditure in West Bengal in the Post-Reform Period (With Santanu Ghosh) | Vidyasagar University Journal of Commerce, Vol. 9 | 2004 | Vidyasagar University | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Polluting Industries in West Bengal: A Preliminary Analysis (With Joyashree Roy) | Vidyasagar University Journal of Economics, Vol. IX,ISSN: 0975-8003 | 2004 | Vidyasagar University | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Assessment of Some Wage Employment Schemes Under Decentralised Planning: A Study in the Purulia District of West Bengal | "Participatory Decentrlised Planning in India – Issues and Experiences" – Ed. by - Dr. S.N. Sau, ISBN 81-7102-121-2 | 2003 | Firma KLM Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Regional/Local Publication |
Title | Published in | Published on | Published by | Role | Details |
"The role and importance of studying economics" | The Knowledge Review;
http://magazine.theknowledgereview.com/The-10-Best-Institutes-For-Economics-Studies-In-India-2018-November2018/#page=1 | 2018 | https://theknowledgereview.com/ | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"Swami Vivekanander Arthanitik Chinta" | “Swami Vivekanander Samaj Bhavna”, edited by Tarunkumar Bandyopadhyay | 2017 | Sahajpaath, Kolkata, ISBN: 978-93-82370-44-4. | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
"Amartya Sen O Arthanitir Naitikata" ( in Bengali) | Sreejan, ISSN 2278-8689, April 2015, pp. 151-164 | 2015 | Sreejan Prakashani | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Khadya Nirapattaya Bharat (in Bengali) | Samaj Jijnasa, Vol. 8, No.-1 and2, Vol. pp. 70-83.ISSN- 2321-158X | 2015 | Vidyasagar Centre for Social Sciences. | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Rabindranath-er Paribesh Bhabana ( in Bengali) | Raj Kumar Sen and Subarna Bhattacharya ed. "Rabindranath-er Chintaya Paribesh O Susthayee Unnain" ( Tagore’s Thinkings on Environment and Sustainable Development), pp. 125-141. ISBN 978-93-82039-18-1. | 2015 | Rabindra Bharati University | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Khadya Sarbabhoumatwa – Bharate Khadya Suraksha Arjaner Ekmatra Swarnila Path ( with Asim K. Karmakar) | Bhandar, Sharad Sankhya, September 15, 2014. pp. 127-129 | 2014 | West Bengal State Cooperative Union | |
Impact Factor:
Article's Web Link:
Book Published |
Title of the Book | Published by | Published on | Role | Details |
13. “Mahajeebaner Mahapathik Vidyasagar”, A Collection of Essays written in Bengali on Vidyasagar, Edited by Sebak Jana | Kabitika, Midnapore; ISBN 978-93-89209-87-7 | 2020 | Editor |
"Sustainable Development in Backward Zones in India: The Way to Look" ( Edited by in Dr. Sebak K. Jana, Dr. Mihir K. Pal and Dr. Chandrima Chakraborty) | Navyug Books International, New Delhi, ISBN: 978-81-945430-1-5 | 2020 | EDitor |
"Inequality, Poverty And Development In Backward Zones In India" ( Edited by Dr. Sebak Kumar Jana, Dr. Pinaki Das and Dr. Sudipta Jha ) | Kumud Publications, Delhi, India, ISBN: 978-81-945430-4-6, | 2020 | Editor |
9. “India’s Economic Development: Some Issues and Challenges” ( ISBN:978-93-82885-45-0) (Editors: 1. Sebak Kumar Jana. Mihir Kumar Pal and Chandrima Chakraborty ) | Kumud Publications. Delhi, India | 2019 | Editor |
10."Inclusive Growth and Backward Region Development – Sectoral Issues", (Edited by Sebak Kumar Jana and Joydeb Sasmal, ISBN: 9789386611628). | Serials Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India | 2019 | Editor |
8. "Rabindranath Tagore on Economy, Politics and Society - Contemporary Discourses", Edited Book, ISBN: 81-93221-41-7 | Dey Book Concern, Kolkata | 2017 | Editor |
7. "Contemporary Issues of Economic Development in India" ( Edited by Sebak K. Jana and Debasish Mondal), ISBN: 978-93-5125-296-2. | Concept Publishing Company Private Ltd., New Delhi. | 2017 | Joint Editor |
4. Arthaniti Samajniti: Rabindra Chintar Abhimukh ( In Bengali) | Dey Publications, Kolkata. ISBN 978-93-81679 -61-6 | 2014 | Editor |
6. Tank Irrigation of Dry Zones in India - A Sustainable Livelihood ( ISBN 978-93-5125-091-3) | Concept Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi | 2014 | Author |
5. Financial Sector Liberalization in India – Theory and Empirics | Regal Publications, New Delhi. ISBN: 978-81-8484-422-1 ----------------- | 2014 | First Editor |
2. Development in Developing Economies | Concept Publishing Co., New Delhi ( ISBN - 13:978-81-8069-840-8) | 2012 | Second Editor |
3. Education in West Bengal – Looking Beyond Schools | Shipra Publications, New Delhi (ISBN: 978-81-7541-629-1) | 2012 | Author |
1. Industrial Pollution and Abatement – Economic Analysis of Paper Units of West Bengal | South Asian Publishers Private Limited, New Delhi (ISBN 81-7003-324-1) | 2010 | First Author |
Book Chapter Published |
Awarded Ph. D. Thesis
Scholar Name | Thesis Title | Co Supervisor | Status | Date |
Sukla Mondal Saha | Consumption Behaviour of India: An Empirical Analysis | | Awarded | 2019 |
Anindya Bhukta | Protecting Traditional Knowledge: A Search for an Effective Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Law for India | | Awarded | 2019 |
Babita Das ( Pal) | Environmental Management and Economic Performance of Steel Industry in India: An Economic Analysis | Dr. Partha Pratim Sengupta | Awarded | 2019 |
Anamitra Paul | Economics Of Conchshell Industry in West Bengal | Professor S.N.Sau | Awarded | 2018 |
Mamtaj Uddin Ahmed | Joint Forest Management and Improvement of Living Standard of Forest Protection Members - A Study in Western Region of West Bengal | Dr. S. Datta Ray | Awarded | 2018 |
Kausik Paik | Sustainable Livelihood Generation through Production and Marketing of Sabai Grass and Crafts in Paschim Medinipur District, West Bengal | Professor R.N. Chatterjee | Awarded | 2018 |
Pravesh Tamang | Economic Analysis of Drinking Water in Urban Hill Region : A Study in Darjeeling District of West Bengal | | Awarded | 2018 |
Subrata Naru | Tank Irrigation in Saline Zone - A Study in West Bengal | | Awarded | 2020 |
Adwaita Maiti | Higher Education in India: A Regional Analysis | | Awarded | Sep, 2023 |
Soma Pal | Growth Of Employment, Technical Efficiency And Energy Efficiency : A Study On Food And Beverage Industry In India | Dr. Chandrima Chakraborty | Awarded | Dec, 2022 |
Title | Organized by | Venue | Date |
ANOVA and Regression Analysis: Using EXCEL | Refresher Course on "Research Methodology in Economics, Management and Social Science" , organised by Department of Economics, Jadavpur University | Online Mode | Dec, 2023 |
Atmanirbhar Bharat and Sustainable Agricultural Development in India | Presentation in ICSSR-sponsored Mid Year Seminar of Bengal Economic Association on “Sustainability and Inclusiveness in Atmanirbhar Bharat” Organised by AJC Bose College,Kolkata | AJC Bose College,Kolkata | Oct, 2023 |
Qualitative Response Regression Model | Presentation at School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS), JAIN (Deemed-to-be University), Bangalore | Webinar | Sep, 2023 |
Budget Allocation in Rural Colleges | Pingla Thana Mahavidyaya | Pingla Thana Mahavidyaya | Feb, 2023 |
Ancient Irrigation System in India and Sustainable Agriculture | Online Symposium “Exploring Integration of Indian Knowledge System into Mainstream Higher Education" , organized by GD Goenka University, Gurugram | GD Goenka University, Gurugram | Dec, 2022 |
Life Member, Indian Journal of Regional Science, Kolkata |
Life Member, Bengal Economic Association, Kolkata |
Life Member, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata |
Life Member, Indian Economic Association |
Life Member, Indian Econometric Society |
Type of Professional Activity | Period |
Member, Executive Committee, Bengal Economic Association | 2011 to 2014 |
Member, Editorial Board, Samabayika, A Journal of Assam University | 2012 to 2014 |
Member, Advisory Editorial Board, Indian Journal of Research in Multidisciplinary Research ( ISSN- 2348- 2524), Garhbeta College | 2013 to 2016 |
Editor Member, Education, Research and Analysis, ISSN No. : 2348-571XISSN | 2013 to 2014 |
Review of Papers of the following Journals. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change(Springer), Sociology(David Publishing Company), International Journal of Education Economics and Development (Inderscience Publishers). | 2011 to 2017 |
Title of the Seminar/Conference/Workshop | Date | Role | Held at and Organiser |
Golden Jubilee Conference of the Indian Econometric Society scheduled | 2014 | Paper Presenter | Held at Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai.Org. by - Golden Jubilee Conference of the Indian Econometric Society |
34th Annual Conference of Bengal Economic Association
(February 22-23) | 2014 | Co Chairman of the Technical Session on "Agricultural Development in India – Post Reforms Experience" | Held at and Organised by Lady Brabourne College, Kolkata |
UGC Sponsored 33rd Annual Conference of Bengal Economic Association | 2013 | 8. Co-Chairman of the session “Environment and Development” | Organised by the Department of Commerce, Netaji Nagar Day College, Kolkata (23-24 February) |
Livelihood Dependency on Natural Fiber - A Case Study on Sabai Grass (Eulaliopsis Binata) in Nayagram Block of Paschim Medinipur Distriict, West Bengal | 2013 | Paper Presenter | Department of Economics with Rural Development, Vidyasagar University |
Technical Efficiency Of Rice Farm In Dry Zone In West Bengal: A Non-Parametric Approach | 2013 | Paper Presenter | Department of Economics with Rural Development, Vidyasagar University |
Title of the Conference/Seminar/Workshop | Date | Role in the Event | Funding Agency |
"Development of Backward Regions of West Bengal with Special Reference to Growth and Productivity of Different Sectors", 23-24 March | 2017 | Organising Secretary | UGC-DRS |
"Contemporary Issues of Economic Development with special reference to Agriculture and Food Security", organised by the Department of Economics with Rural Development, Vidyasagar University, January 13-14. | 2016 | Convenor | UGC, ICSSR and NABARD |
Workshop for Revision of Under Graduate Vidyasagar University Syllabus of Economics (Hons and Pass) | 2014 | Convenor | Vidyasagar University |
Workshop for Revision of Syllabus of Environmental Studies, Compulsory Paper for UG courses | 2014 | Convenor | Vidyasagar University |
Economic Development – Contemporary Issues(January 13-14) | 2014 | Organising Secretary | UGC |
Award Name | Awarded By | Date |
Vivekananda Memorial Research Award for the Academic Session 2018-19 | Vidyasagar University | 2019 |
Distinguished Scientist in Economics and Rural Development of the Research Awards-VIRA 2017 | Venus International Research Foundation, Chennai, India ( https://viraw.info/2017/management/sebak.html ) | 2017 |
Bharat Vikas Award | Institute of Self Reliance, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India ( http://www.isrindia.org.in/awardee.php ) | 2016 |
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